Rocks and pebbles from his teeth and jaws and those bones that were The earth from his hair the trees and from his bones the mountains. From his blood they made the sea and the lakes from his The sons of Bor then carried Ymir to the middle of Ginnungagap and made Wife by climbing onto a lur.

When Ymir fell, there issued from his wounds such a flood of blood, thatįrost ogres were drowned, except for the giant Bergelmir who escaped with Odin, Vili, and Vé killed the giant Ymir. He is the greatest and most famous of all men. It is believed that Odin, in association with his brothers, is the ruler His name was Buri, and he was tall, strong, andīuri begot a son named Bor, and Bor married Bestla, the daughter of aīor and Bestla had three sons: Odin was the first, Vili the second, and Thawing frost then became a cow called Audhumla. And one of his legs begot a son with the other. Where heat and cold met appeared thawing drops, and this running fluid Ginnungagap the soft air, heat, light, and soft air from Muspell. Ice, frost, wind, rain and heavy cold emanated from Niflheim, meeting in Ginnungagap lay the dark, cold realm of Niflheim.

AtĮnd of the world he will vanquish all the gods and burn the whole worldīeyond Muspell lay the great and yawning void named Ginnungagap, and Surt sits at Muspell's border, guarding the land with a flaming sword. So hot that those who are not native to that land cannot endure it. The first world to exist was Muspell, a place of light and heat whose Abstracted from The Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson